Airport & Seaport Transfers
Fare-Port can easily arrange for one of our vehicles to take you to or collect you from any airport or sea-port whether you are going away on a business trip or just taking a well earned holiday.
On your outbound journey simply provide us with your departure details & we will recommend a suitable collection time from your home or place of business to the destination you are travelling to.
On the inbound journey give our office the flight number & origin (Airport) or your disembarkation time (Sea-port) & we will monitor the progress of your arrival using the latest technology.
The driver that is meeting you will send out a courtesy text message in advance. This message will advise of an easy to find and suitable meeting point as well as re-assuring you that he / she will be ready & waiting to go once you have arrived. This will also allow you as a passenger to remain in direct contact with the driver should you need to alert them to any major unforeseen delays in the Customs or Baggage areas.
Your name will be displayed on a clear & easy to read paging board to help you find your driver at the designated meeting point in the arrivals hall, for passengers travelling on business we can also display a company logo should you request us to do so.
Most airports have outside drop-off / pick-up area facilities, at these airports we will advise you of our vehicle make, model, colour and registration number and guide you to our designated meeting point.